Reach frequently used web links faster by using pre-set, easy-to-remember shortcuts instead of typing out the full URL. The shortcuts serve as a direct path to the link, saving time and effort.
Hotcho is a game-changing Chrome extension designed to enhance your browsing experience. Say goodbye to the chaos of managing multiple browser windows. With Hotcho, you can effortlessly save and swap browser windows with lightning speed.
Sometimes typing a URL is faster than opening a bookmark. ⚡️Search Bar Shortcuts (Omnibox shortcuts) are built for people who often access some websites this way. The extension makes it even quicker, more reliable & predictable.
Malist – simple browser extension that takes your email book to a browser. Whenever you need somebody's email, simply click the button in the toolbar and get the email. No more need to ask for an email over and over again or to search in the contact book.
Malist – simple browser extension that takes your email book to a browser. Whenever you need somebody's email, simply click the button next to input and get the email. No more need to ask for an email over and over again or to search in the contact book.