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Maanit Madan
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I was in eight grade when I came up with this idea during a school project about Text Neck. I was working on multiple iOS apps at the time, but as quarantining rolled up at the end of my senior year, I realized the importance of good posture now that everyone is on their phones. I decided it was the perfect time to bring this idea from 4 years ago to fruition. Here it is and I hope you like it.

Neck Check
Fix your posture and end text neck.

Neck Check helps remind you to use your phone with good posture to reduce neck pains and ultimately end Text Neck. The app takes advantage of sensors in your phone and notifications so you can be reminded to hold your phone at eye level while you are using it.

Neck Check
Fix your posture and end text neck.

7 Ages
Your entire life in an app.

Treasure Chase
The Pokemon Go for treasure hunts everywhere!