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Lovely idea. Had to come here and upvote it. Not useful for me because I'm already a maniacal worker, but some others can use it for sure.

Boss as a Service
Making sure you achieve your goals by giving you a boss

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Development is still early, but it should be stable enough for regular use. Bugreports, feature ideas and PRs welcome on Github.
You can back up to any SSH account that has Borg installed, or try my hosted Borg repo service (, which also does neat stuff like alerting of stale backups, as well as isolated- and append-only repos.

A Boring Open Source GUI for BorgBackup (Attic)

BorgBackup is a very capable backup tool, I use on all my servers. It does the advanced stuff that's needed for backups today. Like encryption, deduplication, compression and validation.
There was no complete GUI for it, so I made one. It's intentionally built on a boring stack to keep it simple and basic. It's also open source.

A Boring Open Source GUI for BorgBackup (Attic)

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Great relaunch. One think I'm missing is either custom invoice templates or a redesign of them.

Free financial software for your small business

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Cool idea. Let's see how prices compare with Namesilo.

Cloudflare Registrar
A no-markup domain registrar