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  • Lucia Liu

    Lucia Liu

    BDR @ DeckLinks
    53 points
    All activity
    Lucia Liu
    Turn static presentations into engaging video sales decks! DeckLinks empowers client-facing teams to deliver a more personal buying experience and establish human-to-human connection.
    Making B2B sales more human, together
    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    Looks amazing! Definitely gonna try it out!
    The joyful productivity app
    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    🙋‍♀️ we are launching on Mar 18th🎉🎉
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    March Madness! Who's launching in the second half of March?
    Nishith from True Sparrow
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    +1 comment
    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    So cool! Congrats on your launch!
    An AI writing assistant by You.com
    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    I do enjoy fun and entertaining videos, allows me to see how the product works in action, preferably under 2 minutes.
    Martina Hackbartt
    Do you prefer having videos on PH's launches? What are some things you like and dislike on videos?
    Martina Hackbartt
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    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    Good food and friends for sure🤩
    What are simple ways to recharge your batteries?
    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    Happy Monday(Tuesday)🤩 Our entire team has been working on the upcoming launch this Friday🥳
    Samir Rashed
    Happy Monday!🤩 Share your achievements last week🚀
    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    Looks amazing, and easy to navigate!
    Customer Journey Builder
    Customer Journey Builder
    Easily build customer journey maps for free
    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    Congrats on the launch! It looks awesome!
    Samir Rashed
    We launched today!🚀 Your feedback means a lot
    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    Congrats on the launch!
    Carsten Pleiser
    We launched today - Any questions?
    Carsten Pleiser
    Join the discussion
    Lucia Liu
    Lucia Liu
    left a comment
    This is so cool, definitely gonna try it!
    Premast Plus for Google Slides
    Access tons of design elements inside Google Slides