mkcert is a simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like!
🔗 quicklink - Drop in JavaScript library for faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links when the browser is idle. This can make those "next-page" visits load instantly.
Websites in 2018 shows how many websites in 2018 (unfortunately) look like!
Termtosvg is a Linux terminal recorder written in Python that renders your command line sessions as standalone SVG animations.
Anki App is a cross-platform mobile and desktop flashcard app.
Study flashcards in your downtime. Make flashcards with text, sound, and images, or download pre-made ones. Studying is extra-efficient, thanks to our unique algorithm. Automatically does backups and sync to all your devices, via the cloud.
Can't stop surfing the web? You may not realize it, but all of that color is designed to hijack your brain and keep you browsing.
Grayscale the Web is a great solution to help with this. It removes all of the color, giving sites a plain, grayed out look. They will appear much more boring, and that's the whole point.
Buefy is a lightweight library of responsive UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma framework and design.