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Lee Sherman
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Seems like a more streamlined and easier to use product than Rewind, albeit with some loss of functionality. Is Rewind dead?
Personalized AI powered by what you’ve seen, said, or heard
Lee Sherman
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Manoj, I co-founded the data viz and infographics company, Visually, and am very interested in what you are doing. Good start. Happy to jump on a Zoom with you to discuss. Please reach out if you need any help with this.
Turn your blogs into stunning, shareable infographics
Lee Sherman
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How do you get around the problem of the uncanny valley? It's a neat idea but most personas I've seen can be kind of creepy in practice.
Persona 1.0
Automate with interactive, human-like AI
Lee Sherman
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Congrats on the launch. How would you compare your search engine to Perplexity?
New era AI search engine, search anything with AI
Lee Sherman
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As someone who once built something similar at my company Visually I can appreciate the hard work that went into MarketMap. In our viz we also included funding rounds (how much was raised and who were the investors?). Ours had the ability to click on an investor so that you could see at a glance which companies they invested in. We used the Crunchbase API to get this data but I'm not sure if it...
Market Map
Explore the universe of publicly traded companies
Lee Sherman
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Congrats Veronica. Nice to l see what you've been up to.
Unity Muse
Expansive platform for AI-driven assistance during creation
Lee Sherman
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I like the emphasis on working with the AI, rather than letting the AI do all the work.
Adobe Firefly
An AI image generator from Adobe
Lee Sherman
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Good to see this here Dustin. I love the Playdate and I love PlayMaker. Reminds me so much of Hypercard!
A whimsical creative space for Playdate
Lee Sherman
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This is the kind of app that should have a fixed price, not a subscription.
Pixel art editor for iPad
Lee Sherman
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Where is the download for the beta?
WhatsApp Beta
A more seamless experience for WhatsApp users on macOS
Lee Sherman
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I'm also on Post News and like the emphasis on good journalism rather than fake news. Posts on Post News aren't character limited and that, combined with the aforementioned commenting makes it feel more like a combination of a blogging platform and a social network. It's different, but it's a good sign of where things can go. Follow lsherman and I'll follow you back.
Post News
Everything you love about social media without the trolls
Lee Sherman
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This looks fantastic. And thank you for making it free. However, I could not get it running on a MacBook Pro running Ventura because when I tried to open it, I got an error message saying my Mac could not check for malicious software. Can you update it to fix this or advise on how I can use it?
No more asking strangers if they could watch your stuff
Lee Sherman
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There's an opportunity here to replace the apps used by hospitals such as UCSF and Stanford here in Silicon Valley with a more modern alternative. I'd go after them. I think this could supplement Apple's Health app on iOS as it doesn't cover things like doctors' reservations and symptom tracking. Good luck and congrats on the launch.
MedBlockx: Health Record
Your health in your pocket - medication reminders & more
Lee Sherman
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What is this?
You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief
Lee Sherman
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Note, this is also available on Medium, in case you are leaving the bird site.
One Tweet Books
Daily book summaries on Twitter
Lee Sherman
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Can you provide information on your pricing please?
Like ChatGPT but with real-time data, images & voice search
Lee Sherman
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You can already share music from Apple Music and chat using SharePlay on the Mac. Can you tell me how your product compares to the native experience?
Listen to music together and chat with friends
Lee Sherman
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Congrats on the launch and thanks for making a free tool for scheduling events and tasks. Can you fix the scary message you get when you try to authorize your app with Google? I went ahead anyway but it gave me pause and I'm sure others will be spooked.
Busy - AI Calendar Assistant
Smart and simple scheduling on iOS
Lee Sherman
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Looks like a useful app. I gave you an upvote. It's great that you are offering a trial and discounts but I couldn't find anything on your site about pricing. I'm loathe to sign up for something before I know what I'm getting into. Can you talk about your pricing here and consider adding pricing information to your site?
Transform any content into your knowledge
Lee Sherman
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They are charging $5 to get on the wait list. Big turnoff.
Happy Ring
The first wearable for your mind