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It's 52 degrees where I live. Seems a bit high, since we only have Celsius in London

The Weather Channel Bot
Forecasts, alerts, and more on Messenger, using IBM Watson

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Wow, this feels like something with a lot of power under the hood of which you don't see any. Because it's programmed beautifully. Prices seem high though, but I'm no pricing expert here

Tinder Boost
Skip the line for 30 minutes to get more matches

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Enough with the Pokemon already... Come one people, stop creating monitization moments for this fad
Get instant answers to Pokémon Go questions

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Absolutely loved this!!! Great showcase. You can literally see what's going on. Like learning about a surgery, not be reading it in a book but seeing it happening in front of your eyes (sorry for the stupid metaphor)

Web Design in 4 Minutes
Interactive site to show you how to design web pages

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I like the website design. If you're in the market for artisanal, gluten free bespoke chocolate prices might not be your biggest concern. But why don't you mention it at all? Do you really expect me to order >5,000 bars without knowing if that's going to cost $250, $2,500 or $25,000? Startups tend to look at costs (hopefully). So please include the price. Otherwise it's a little too SoMa for...

Far Fetched Creations
One-of-a-kind startup swag

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How are you different from other meta search engines like Trivago? And the guest reviews, are those meta as well? Or newly generated. If it's the latter then you have a lot of catching up to do. If it's the former then that's brilliant.

Compare hotel deals from all the leading booking agencies

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Like the idea, but wasn't this part of iOS a couple of years ago? It isn't anymore. That might be a sign. I like sending post cards because it is something special nowadays though. Not sure if the market will be big enough, but credits for trying!

Courier Chatbot
Create and mail your own printed postcards from FB Messenger

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A fintech bank from the financial capital of the world... Starling Bank from London.
Yes, another one. But one with a very impressive founding team and a 80+ million Pound war chest.
About: "We believe money should work in sync with your life, work, and relationships. Our mission is to create a bank that guides and informs you towards better decisions. By giving you real-time insights,...

Starling Bank
A bank that’s in-sync with you

Starling Bank
A bank that’s in-sync with you

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So a Google for the on demand economy? I like that. But the background info could use some polishing. Video is also too long, so doesn't fix the tl;dr problem. Also, why have you guys decided to spell blueberry incorrectly? Is that your brand or differentiation factor? Because right now I don't really get it.

The Bleuberry Project
The largest interactive database for the on-demand economy

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Hahaha. This has got to be fake. They nailed it though. Looks like an episode of Silicon Valley was turned into a business proposition.

Pooper App
Your dog's poop in someone else's hands.

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Tested it. There's already a couple of "swelly" bots. So you might want to look into that. Won't help discovery. I personally do not like the name, I immediately thought of smelly. Given your description here I never thought my first vote would be to choose between two plates of fruit which was arranged to look like a boat or something. Not something I'd use, but this is just my opinion. Best...

Swell Bot
Make better decisions with friends

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Could this potentially be aside to the iOS / android keyboard somehow so you could use your own emoji on whatsapp and messenger? I'd dig that. An ultimate millennial tool
My Slack Emoji
Turn your team photos into Slack emoji's

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Looks nice, but I did the whole switcheroo from Evernote to Keep once. Not doing that again. Unless this supports auto upload from Keep to Notebook. Is that available?

The beautifully simple note-taking app

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How about London? And Paris? The latter is airbnb's biggest city already. So def potential
Overnight 2.0
Book a last minute room with locals, in seconds.