Victor “LOST” Nova

Victor “LOST” Nova

software engineer
25 points
All activity
Victor “LOST” Nova
Join Borg Cloud to earn money when your gaming GPU is idle. Earn up to $1200/y for RTX 3090 or equivalent.
Borg Cloud
Borg Cloud
earn money from your gaming GPU when PC is not used
Victor “LOST” Nova
Meet Roxy, your smart voice companion designed to make life easier and more engaging. With Roxy, you can enjoy natural, conversational voice interactions without ever having to pick up your phone. Just speak, and she’s ready to assist!
Hands-free AI voice companion
Victor “LOST” Nova
Play favorite games directly in the browser. It's like GeForce Now/Stadia crossover with AirBnB. You can either play games in the browser, or you can join our collective to rent your idling Windows PC out.
Peer-to-peer cloud gaming service
Victor “LOST” Nova
Create a virtual SSHD out of any SSD+HDD combo.
SSHD Wizard
SSHD Wizard
Combine speed of your SSD with capacity of your HDD
Victor “LOST” Nova
Join online trial for vitamins and other dietary supplements to help fight COVID-19.
Get a set of supplements to add to your diet and report COVID-19 outcome. We will use that info to determine the supplements, that saved most people from hospitalization.
Home Trial - Project is Closed
Home Trial - Project is Closed
Home remedies trial for COVID-19
Victor “LOST” Nova
Efficiently organize your windows.
1. Choose a layout or create your own
2. Quickly move windows around
3. Let them take their places automatically
4. Group windows with tabs
5. Enjoy tidiness and space efficiency
6. Add cool widgets
Stack WM
Stack WM
Better window manager for Windows
Victor “LOST” Nova
Billions Songs is a neural network trained on English articles, and fine-tuned on songs takes an attempt to write song lyrics. It can generate millions of texts. Some of them are repetitive or cheesy, but there are true gems too.
Billion Songs
Billion Songs
Infinite song lyrics with deep learning
Victor “LOST” Nova

Gradient allows you to create, train, and use machine learning models with the full power of TensorFlow API on .NET

- Train and run models on any hardware platform

- Use distributed training features

- Track your progress with TensorBoard

- Use C#

TensorFlow for C# and .NET