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Lola Hayes
7 following
128 points
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Lola Hayes
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2yr ago
Discrete Maths
If you could learn & master any one skill in a day, what would it be?
Barış Bingöl
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Lola Hayes
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2yr ago
Any way to tie this into wikitree or any plans to? I’ve often lamented the lack of storytelling abilities in WT.
Time Machine
Genealogy management system
Lola Hayes
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2yr ago
I feel like this should be worked into the Unity Asset Store
Generate design assets in seconds with AI
Lola Hayes
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2yr ago
What I especially love about this is how it could transition throughout the day. During the work day I could have my calendar, to-do’s, music playlist, and some BI stuff. Then transition into artistic time, maybe even have a tilt to get into drafting mode with mood board and other inspiration around. And then it could turn into a game table after that - virtual tabletop games with a friend...
Lumina Desk
The ultimate workspace for productivity
Lola Hayes
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3yr ago
I can't believe Xano is just now on Product Hunt! I'm a little mad at myself now for not hunting it. It does have a feel of being very established. I found Xano about a year ago and it's a game changer. Seriously levels up the no code/low code ecosystem.
The fastest way to build and deploy a scalable backend
Lola Hayes
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3yr ago
Breaking down huge barriers here… by only offering this for people already working in “big tech.” Makes sense because obviously they’re the only ones with good ideas and they certainly haven’t been given any opportunities thus far.
BIGTECH Fellowship
We'll pay you $50k to quit your job & build a company
Lola Hayes
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4yr ago
Love the app! Curious what inventories you based these off of? Specifically the career assessment one. Did you come up with the archetypes yourselves? If so, what are your sources for that? Also, noticed you said you didn’t want to launch yet - does this mean you plan on adding more features?
Self discovery like you've never experienced before
Lola Hayes
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4yr ago
I’ve always wondered why file browsers don’t look like this. Would erase redundancy
Neat – File Manager
The file manager for visual thinkers
Lola Hayes
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4yr ago
Nice! This should fill up at least a few weeks of quarantine for me!
Timeline mixing and sharing
Lola Hayes
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5yr ago
Hi everyone! NYC Product Hunt Meetup host here
Who's hosting a Product Hunt Meetup on January 28th 2020? 🙌
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Lola Hayes
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5yr ago
How does this work on the other side? I'm currently buying property in Maine because I can't handle the tiny apartments and concrete of NYC anymore. Over time, I have a (very ambitious) plan the make the area into a little bit of a hub because I know I will miss the community I have in NYC. I'm curious how you're working with places to make this happen.
$10,000 to leave the Bay Area
Lola Hayes
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5yr ago
@thomgroutars I've been building this one for a while. I'm not sure what all of these tracks have in common (I have thought before that it would be a fun python project to see what it is exactly that makes them all work so well), but any time I come across a song that seems to focus me and has no distracting elements (i.e. lyrics or random rhythms or pitches) I add it to the list. Enjoy:...
What are your best focus playlists?
Thomas Groutars
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Lola Hayes
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6yr ago
Also, we should add Parabola to this! Parabola 2.0 @alexyaseen
Makerpad Experts
Marketplace to hire no-code experts
Lola Hayes
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6yr ago
I'm signing up! This is really actually necessary. I even overhear technical people all the time talking about struggling with setting up all of these integrations so it is a specific skill set. ALSO... I'm putting together a No Code Hackathon this summer at Betaworks in NYC. Please message me if you want to be a part of it (either fellow host or as an attendee).
Makerpad Experts
Marketplace to hire no-code experts
Lola Hayes
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6yr ago
Like everyone else has said: this is one of the few newsletters I actually open and read.
Glimpse 2.0
Discover trends before they’re trending + New instant alerts
Lola Hayes
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6yr ago
Hey @kelvinangstrom Wanted to submit this through the website, but nothing happens when I click on the Support button. I started a 60 minute timer today to work on a project and after 60 minutes I went back to the angstrom tab and it said I still had 24 minutes left. What do you think could be causing this?
Don't manage projects. Manage your life.
Lola Hayes
left a review
6yr ago
Kelvin Angstrom
Dominate your life goals.
Lola Hayes
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6yr ago
Ohh this looks like it was taken directly out of my brain. I love it! So excited to try it out!
Don't manage projects. Manage your life.
Lola Hayes
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6yr ago
@weava ?
Highlights for Chrome
Highlight as you read and create a personal knowledge repo
Lola Hayes
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6yr ago
Yess!! I’ve been waiting for something like this!
Spider Free
Turn websites into organized data without code.