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Florian Reuschel
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Letztlich hab ich meine gute alte 'color-blend' Library nie wirklich genutzt, aber die Funktionalität von Blend Modes zu recherchieren hat irrsinnig Spaß gemacht und es freut mich, dass sie auf diesem Weg nochmal zu Ehren kommt. :) Great job, Pascal!
Intuitive open source toolbox for colors

Florian Reuschel
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Awesome, I love these kind of integrations into OS interfaces, makes it so incredibly versatile and resilient.
What I just stumbled upon was that I misinterpreted the "Copy" button when using Shareful from Quick Look. I expected it to copy the contents of the file but instead it copied the file itself.
This totally makes sense, but having a "Copy contents" option would be great as well — this...

Supercharge the macOS share menu