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  • Logan McClure

    Logan McClure

    Founder. Built a B2C lead database tool


    I'm Logan McClure, an expert in lead generation and retargeting services, and I have spent the last 3 years working with hundreds of brands to optimize their ad campaigns for conversions, decrease CPA & CPC and increase match rates across all ad platforms. From 2020 to early 2023 I scaled and outsourced a six-figure digital marketing agency. In 2023, I founded LeadNet. My mission is to provide the highest quality B2C / D2C leads in the world. Use LeadNet.online to create highly targeted lists of B2C leads in real-time, and gain access to our powerful B2C identity graph that tracks 290 million US-based users, and over 1.9 trillion behaviors. Let's connect and explore growth opportunities together!


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    Gone streaking 10
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    Maker History

    • LeadNet
      B2C Database | Access 290 million US-based users tracked
      Apr 2023
    • 🎉
      Joined Product HuntApril 23rd, 2023