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Spectacles didn't make it into the hardware category?

Golden Kitty Awards 2016
A celebration of products, makers & PH community members 🏆😻

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Does this catch everything? I heard about a deleted tweet from Jill Stein, I've seen screenshots but it's not appearing on this.

Track deleted tweets for verified users w/ 10k+ followers ✅

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I used to work at an SSO/Password Manager company and wow, I love this solution!! How will you handle spoof'ed numbers? What apps are using you already, and how will developers respond to the risk of using a new startup to do their authentication? (esp. in this fundraising climate?)
Password-free signups. No social network required.

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After seeing Brian's comment, I was not expecting a list of articles, but cool!

Software Product Management Stack
Resources & tools to help you manage your software product

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Giphy, I'm a Product Manager and we're about to become best friends!!
This is way easier to use than any other GIF-screenshot generator I've used.

Giphy Capture
Turn anything on your screen into a GIF!

The AirBnB for High-End Fashion

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Really fascinating idea. I'd be curious to learn more about how the tech works. Suppose your luggage got put on the wrong airline. Then what?
Also, if it's buried deep in my suitcase, how does it know it's been opened?

The first anti-theft luggage tracker in the World

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You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a solution like this!!
Instant Logo Search
Search and download thousands of logos instantly

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These are amazing. Bravo! Reminds me of "Startup Guys" by CollegeHumor.

Hilarious videos about the BS of startup life

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I've had a really hard time figuring out what "market" is for my position, seniority, and location. I used to use the Wealthfront calculator but it was shut down, and it looks like they had a hard time keeping it up to date.
I love the approach of "give your information to get information" to build the data set. That makes this the most reliable source I've checked so far. I didn't expect them...
See what people like you get paid

See what people like you get paid

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I've been using Pinterest Maps thus far to keep track of my geo-tagged stuff, and indeed your UI is very similar (only so many ways to juxtapose visuals & information on a map, I suppose!) I like the concept of categorized pins and all the advanced features you've added. Some questions:
1) Is there a way to import pins from Pinterest?
2) Will you be re-creating some of that functionality?...

Medium for maps

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Reminded of those letters I would get in the past -- this is so much easier!

Find money you're owed. Get it back.

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I'm embarrassed to say I don't think I've ever been so excited about a chrome extension! Well done

EmojiOne for Chrome
Finally, an emoji keyboard for the modern desktop.

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@Alexcapecelatro, I've always been a fan of your products and this is no exception. Do you have a public demo that's available to the public? Like the Casper Showroom in Hollywood Hills?
Control and automate your home from anywhere

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At first, I thought I coudn't actually get any search terms to work because it kept saying not found. Then I realized it's actually just slow -- might be helpful to put a loading message instead so that users aren't discouraged! I didn't notice until I returned to the page after giving up and found my last search query completed.

Search every Simpsons episode, make memes, be a badass