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Lilach I
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Regardless of the pun, I don't like the name

ai detect gay from image with 76-91% accuracy

Lilach I
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Love this resource @kobyof . Thanks for making.
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Lilach I
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Nice work. Are you planning on adding more variations in this particular design style?
Awesome Illustrations
Create awesome illustrations for websites & applications

Lilach I
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I saw the first iteration of this (which was just a chart with randomly generated snacks and their plausibility score) and this version is 10x more cool. I think that the use case for this is mostly for fun, but once the plausibility API is out, It will be awesome. I refreshed until I hit Kevin Bacon skin cells Ben & Jerry's, which (I think) counts as 2 degrees of separation from Kevin...
This Snack Does Not Exist
Computer generated snacks scored for market plausability

Lilach I
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Can I use this without creating a user account? I don't need cross-device support or data backups.

Strive Minutes
A simple, distraction-free meditation timer

Lilach I
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I like the idea in general though some of the search queries give me results that seem irelevant. For example, I searched for Japanese courses, and got all kinds of courses where the description include the word 'Japanese' even though I think it's pretty clear I want to learn the language and not Manga or similar topics. However, this seems like a great resource. Thanks for making!

Courseroot 2.0
Instant search for +80.000 courses on the web