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  • Logan Burchett

    Logan Burchett

    Co-Founder & COO @ Forecastr
    53 points
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    Logan Burchett
    Forecastr helps founders build great financial models online. Our analysts work with you to build a model that’s tailored to your unique needs. Forecastr makes it easy to track & share key metrics so you can make better decisions & raise the capital you need.
    Get a great financial model, custom-built for your startup
    Logan Burchett
    FlowTime works as a Pomodoro-like timer that boosts your productivity by making your mind go into the state of flow faster.
    Double your Productivity. Guaranteed.
    Logan Burchett
    Logan Burchett
    left a comment
    Very cool product - highly recommended!
    Raise $10k-$1m in 72 hours, free revenue analytics