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Leif Abraham
Leif Abraham
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Excited for this launch! Shout with any questions!
The watchlist with AI superpowers
Leif Abraham
Use AI for your investment watchlist – Alpha actively monitors every stock, ETF, and crypto you care about. Giving instant, AI-powered insights on why prices are moving and sharing real-time market events, earnings calls, and more.
The watchlist with AI superpowers
Leif Abraham
Say hello to Alpha, our AI-powered assistant for investment research. Now, you can ask open-ended questions about any asset and get real-time and historical insights on demand. Save time researching and tracking stocks, ETFs, crypto, and alternative assets.
Alpha: your investing co-pilot
Bringing AI to your investing experience. Powered by GPT-4.
Leif Abraham
Now, you can move your money in and out of government-backed US Treasuries with the flexibility of a bank account. Take advantage of today’s high yields with a Treasury Account on Public.
Treasury Accounts on Public
Treasury Accounts on Public
A new way to access the secure yield of US Treasuries
Leif Abraham
Airbnb needed to raise cash in their early days as a startup, and so they sold novelty cereal boxes, netting them $30,000 in a matter of days. Now that they're going public, is giving away 500 boxes of our very own (very real) cereal. Enter to win.
IPOats by
IPOats by
Airbnb is going public so we made a cereal.
Leif Abraham
A new Chrome extension that adds context to your conversations about business and stock news on Twitter. Just install the tool and hover over a tagged ticker on Twitter (e.g. $NKE) to see a beautiful dynamic stock chart from populate in your feed.
Stock Charts by
Stock Charts by
Turn stock tickers into charts on Twitter
Leif Abraham
Turn your favorite investments into your new favorite T-shirt. Ticker Tees is the stellar new fashion line that is designed by your choice of long-term investments.
Ticker Tees
Ticker Tees
Turn your favorite investments into your new favorite Tshirt
Leif Abraham
We asked over 3,000 of our members about their investing experience with some surprising results.
The Social Investor
First annual survey results of over 3,000 investors
Leif Abraham
Stock investing apps have historically been designed for quick trades, not long-term investing. Let's change that. Long-Term Portfolio allows you to "lock-in" companies you believe in for the long-term.
Long-term Portfolio by
Long-term Portfolio by
Lock in the investments you believe in for the long-term
Leif Abraham
Leif Abraham
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Answer any text with Leo's Rick Dalton meme
Leif Abraham
As the popular adage goes, time in market beats timing the market. That said, it’s only natural to look back on early IPOs of mammoth stocks like Apple and Amazon and wonder what might have been had you invested in the past.
Ticker Time Machine
Ticker Time Machine
What would the investments you didn't make be worth today.
Leif Abraham
Stock.Gifts is a free service for making all your friends investors this holiday season. Shop a library of stocks to find the perfect match, add a note, and send away. Your friend will receive up to $50 in free stock. Brought to you by
Gift free stock for the holidays
Leif Abraham
Public makes the stock market social. Follow other investors, discover companies to believe in, invest with any amount of money — commission-free. Invest dollar amounts in your favorite companies no matter the share price. [Disclosures]
Buy any stock with any amount of money. Commission-free.
Leif Abraham
Fiverr Studios is a one-stop source for finding all the freelance talent you need for completing larger projects. Work with a team of freelancers being managed by one Studio Lead, all within the same Gig.
Fiverr Studios
Fiverr Studios
A team of specialists to work on your entire project.