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NFT is good and all when it comes to artists that deserve it. But as of what's currently trending, most of the NFTs are just for-profit and don't even care about the quality of the work. The downside about NFT is that anyone can easily copy it. You can technically sue those who use it but would you be willing to spend the money not allowing people to use your IMG or GIF?
The #NFT sales are down 92% compared to their peak in September'21. Is the hype over?
Daniel Engels
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It depends on the task that I'm trying to accomplish. If it is creative then a to-do list is not helpful. Although taking notes/sketching is helpful. For multiple tasks that are process-oriented, a to-do list is very handy.
To-do Lists
Ojelola Ojelabi
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It should be announced 1-3 days before and you should be able to reject it. It should be paid work time and a 30% of your hourly/daily rate.
Requirements for after-hours work - on what terms are you willing to work on your day off?
Kate Kurshina
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I've tried a couple. Click Up, Asana, Jira, and Trello. The best one I've tried is Asana.
What collaboration tool do you use to manage team work?
Umana Rafiq
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affiliate linking.. the most difficult part is gathering followers and creating original content.
POLL: whats the best side hustle you've heard of?
Nicole Ogloza
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Nope. But whenever I'm stuck on something and need to clear up my mind, I'd go out for a walk/run while reading a novel to distract my mind. After half an hour, I would stop and take a breather and that's the time when I usually think of ideas. It helps me clear my mind and stops me from being a slouch.
Ojelola Ojelabi
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9gag if I'm just browsing. Reddit if I feel like joining conversations.
What website do you visit most often?
Sidra Arif Alli
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as a work-from-home employee, it's very convenient setting up online meetings. I can turn on the camera, plug in my earphones and join the meeting. With the help of customizable backgrounds, I don't even need to worry if my room is messy.
Do you feel pain to set up online meetings?
Sean Song
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Wake up > join daily huddle > eat > take a bath > start working > go for a run 3 hours after I started working > cook dinner > eat > take a bath > get back to work for 5 hours> play games > read a novel > sleep.
What is your workday routine? How do you course-correct?
Dylan Merideth
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no special treatment. If a group asks for something, you should consider if it's possible to implement it for everyone. Make yourself available and pay attention to any complaints even how minor they are.
How do you maintain and promote having a diverse team
Pablo Fatas
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I've tried it using a freemium account. I like how easy it was to set up and integrate the chat into my website. I also love how the chat layout can be customized via CSS and how easy it was to switch to different types of chat rooms. There are still some features I haven't tried yet and the chat skins available are kinda old school but overall, I'm quite satisfied with the chat plugin.
Has anyone tried RumbleTalk Chat?
Rachelle sy
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It depends on your targeted niche. If it's for the regular people who have less knowledge of the tool, the more user-friendly they are, the more they are preferred even though they don't have that many features but get the basic job done. But if you're target niche is professionals, they will definitely choose features over user-friendly.
Beautiful tools vs Feature-rich tools
Olga Trykush
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use Google search for anything that comes into your mind. Wondering how birds can fly? Google it. Want to know the aerodynamics of a cow? Google it. Simple trivial questions build up and you'll never know, you might need some of that information in the future.
What is the one activity I should do every day to improve my intelligence?
Armaan Hashmi
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I love coffee but I ended up getting acid reflux. Tea is a good alternative but nothing really beats coffee.
Are you a coffee or tea person?
Afan Sheikh
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work from home definitely. I know that it doesn't help much with the economy but the time I saved going back and forth to the office is extremely precious. Each time I got back from work when I was still working at the office I'm completely exhausted to do anything other than just eat, browse social media, and sleep. Now I can even squeeze some time cooking, baking, and even doing groceries by...
Work from home or Work from office?
Shalin Doshi
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- users would prefer a chatbot like FAQ than using the search feature
5 things I’ve learned about websites
Shivi Jalota
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It depends on what project we are working on but we primarily use Trello Boards to track our tasks, Google Meet for meetings, Skype for instant messaging, and Google Drive to share files.
How do you connect remotely to a team?
Ghost Kitty
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user-friendly interface, ability to export chat transcript, emoji reactions, and customizability.
What are you looking for in a website chat plugin?
Rachelle sy
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It depends on what type of community you are building. We use Slack to maximize productivity for communities that are task based and Discord for casual stuff
What tool do you use for building a community?
Eivind Håverstad
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I've used Rumbletalk for our private group chat
FB Messenger, Skype, Discord for casual chats
Besides WhatsApp, which communication app do you use/prefer for day-to-day group chats?
Piyush Santwani
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