With 8 years of experience as a full stack JavaScript developer, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every project I work on. My extensive skillset in: ✅ Node.js, Nest.jsExpress ✅ GraphQL, Apollo ✅ React-Relay, React-Query, React, Redux, Next.js ✅ Vue, Nuxt.js ✅ Firebase, MongoDB, Neo4j ✅ Prisma ✅ Redis ✅ WebSockets ✅ GCP, AWS, and Github Actions makes me a valuable asset to any team. I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality applications, with a focus on SASS products that include authentication, payment, payout, building libraries/SDKs, chat, and messaging. I have worked in a lot of projects remotely, and understand the importance of clear communication and collaboration in the development process.
Senior full stack developer

Maker History
- Memora will create MCQs by topic nameHelp students memorise a topic by creating MCQs on the topicFeb 2023