Laura Tortosa Sancho, Co-Founder and CPO of Lative, the only platform in the market that can calculate Growth Efficiency in real-time. Laura has extensively experience across technology roles predominantly in transforming sales from a functional focus to an enabler of innovation for the business. She is an inspirational leader who tells stories that inspire action while at the same time is grounded in team culture that levers the business. Before Lative, she spent her career in Technology leadership roles at Deloitte and Sage. Laura has the ability to take a vision and make it reality. She has always wanted to build an exceptional culture within a company and help customers through technology innovation.

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Gone streaking
Maker History
- LativeIncrease your growth efficiency with real-time dataOct 2022
- The State Of Growth Efficiency eBookLearn why growth at all costs is no longer sustainableOct 2022
Joined Product HuntOctober 4th, 2022