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  • Lalit sharma

    Lalit sharma

    A copywriter and a solepreneur
    3 points
    All activity
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    started a discussion

    Skill Exchange - A platform where people can exchange their skills

    I'm developing a platform where people can exchange the skills the need with the skill they have For example:- Person A is a copywriter but needs help with FB ADs Person B is a FB AD specialist but need helps with Copywriting Both of them can come together and help each other out for free What do you guys think about this idea?
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    started a discussion

    Skill Exchange - A platform where people can exchange their skills

    I'm developing a platform where people can exchange the skills the need with the skill they have For example:- Person A is a copywriter but needs help with FB ADs Person B is a FB AD specialist but need helps with Copywriting Both of them can come together and help each other out for free What do you guys think about this idea?
    Lalit sharma
    Life Methodology A young man dreams about spreading awareness about the Mind, Psychology & Marketing Life Methodology was started as a "spiritual podcast" but now you can read blogs, listen to the Life Methodology podcast & get various ebooks.
    Life Methodology
    Life Methodology
    Life methodology talks about mind, psychology & marketing
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    left a comment
    want to change the world? change yourself first, the world will be changed by itself.
    become better version of yourself & have better relationship
    Lalit sharma
    this ebook is about a boy who was cheerful but one day became depressed, so how did he change back to his old self? or even better, this book is a mix of story and self-help, spirituality & relationship, read this and become a better version of yourself.
    become better version of yourself & have better relationship
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    left a comment
    Love is not what we think it is.
    do we truly love?
    do we truly love?
    we say but do we love truly?
    Lalit sharma
    we always say that we love this or that thing or person. but then this question arises do we truly love? if no. then what is true love & how to truly love?
    do we truly love?
    do we truly love?
    we say but do we love truly?
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    left a comment
    I need a developer ( in the form of co-founder)
    Lalit sharma
    Idea for an application ( need co-counder)
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    started a discussion

    Idea for an application ( need co-counder)

    I have an idea for an application Which will " Help people meet other people with different skills for building products - for example I have an idea (just like this one) but don't have skills & other people who have skills but no idea Come together too build and work on that idea " because you know first step is the most hardest and product building is that step for any business" there...
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    started a discussion

    Which of the do you think is a great idea !

    I have lots of ideas soo I want people too validate which might be the best among my favourites And I also want if any developer is willing to co-found any of these idea with me
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    started a discussion

    Business idea validation

    I have an idea for an application Which will " Help people meet other people with different skills for building products - for example I have an idea (just like this one) but don't have skills & other people who have skills but no idea Come together too build and work on that idea " because you know first step is the most hardest and product building is that step for any business It will...
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    left a comment
    having girls are the new trend
    how to get girls ?
    how to get girls ?
    want to have girls in your life ?
    Lalit sharma
    i have shared tips from my own experience & many things i learned along the way .
    how to get girls ?
    how to get girls ?
    want to have girls in your life ?
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    left a comment
    learn to earn
    Lalit sharma
    learning skills are very important now because in any field if you have more skills you will have lots of advantages . and world is going to change in coming 5-10 years so learn skills that will help you be succesful then
    Lalit sharma
    Guys I'll talk about mindset & the things that you need too to actually get girls , keep them & have an amazing relationship but these all will be the by product of everything that I talk about in this e-book , this e-book will improve your life altogether
    How to not need & simp over girls
    How to not need & simp over girls
    Do you want girls ? - I know you want !
    Lalit sharma
    Lalit sharma
    started a discussion

    I need business ideas

    What business do you think I should start?