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Kyle Alwyn
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Cool! Sounds simliar to Do you offer API access that we can upload the ID photos to? Say if we want to own the UI/UX?
Legally verify users with a few lines of JS

Kyle Alwyn
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Awesome work. Much more functional UI layer on top of iOS reminders.
Some suggestions after a day's usage:
- Reminders or For You should be the first tab. I don't want to manage my lists as soon as I open the app.
- Ability to toggle between list and grid view for reminders. Long titles don't fit well
- How do I view completed reminders?
- Adding/Editing a todo is a little wonky. "View/Add...
Reminder 2.0
A better way to keep track of your reminders đź“ť

Kyle Alwyn
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Trying it out and looks great. Emoji search when adding a new habit/task would be 🔥

Leverage Pomodoro to form habits & finish to-do tasks ⏱️

Kyle Alwyn
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Why do you need to view my contacts in order to sign in with Google?

Notion 2.0
The all-in-one workspace - notes, tasks, wikis, & databases

Kyle Alwyn
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Awesome, very nostalgic. Would be cool to see a side by side with the current logo

Startup Logo Archive
The original logos your favourite startups launched with

Kyle Alwyn
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Fast, easy and intuitive. A+

Find a name for your product or company in milliseconds

Kyle Alwyn
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Great app. Similar to Wavebox but with a cleaner UI. However, like most Electron apps, it is a memory & CPU hog
One app to rule them all

Kyle Alwyn
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Found this at the perfect time. Such a useful reference. Thanks for your work!

App Launch Checklist
Planning tool for launching your app successfully

Kyle Alwyn
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Not a very intuitive onboarding process. Did not realize I had to individually add accounts I wanted to follow after connecting my services. Left with a blank feed and screen.. good place for an empty state interface telling me to go follow my favorite accounts.
Would also be useful to show the platform the article or post is coming from in the feed itself.
Other than that, good work and will...

One app. All your favorite feeds!

Kyle Alwyn
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Awesome! So powerful for the visual learners out there.
How are you planning on monetizing?
Stories for curious minds

Kyle Alwyn
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Lovely idea and solid execution.
Couple of things:
1. Animations are a tad annoying. When going to a founder's page and navigating back, I have to wait for all the previous founder animations to run again before being able to view the section I was looking at.
2. Depending on how you're sourcing these articles, maybe include a list of most recent posts by these authors so I don't have to...
Founder Catalog
What the world’s most influential founders are writing about

Kyle Alwyn
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Curious as to what type of market research you did to come up with that pricing? Both your original one time fixed cost and new subscription based model.

Create your own fitness app without coding

Kyle Alwyn
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Great onboarding experience, had me smoothly flowing from step to step and easily helped me generate my answers. It's like the Bumble of job hunting, completely reversing the dynamics of how we think the interactions between two parties should work. Love it!

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