

I make things that help people
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8th Edition; 78 pages, 170 insightful questions, 16 integration exercises, & new personalized chat assistant for 2024 review & 2025 action planning to become our best self. Proceeds go to K9RR dog rescue & life-saving surgery. Use code "PHFAM60" until Jan 2
Ultimate Reflection & Intention Guide v8
Ultimate Reflection & Intention Guide v8
Reflect, integrate & move forward with clarity and intention
A downloadable PDF + Google Doc guide with 230+ questions designed to reflect and integrate every core part of life from the past year, then create clear, precise, and actionable steps towards achieving goals. Downloaded by 18,000+ people in 97 countries.
2022-23 Ultimate Reflection Integration
2022-23 Ultimate Reflection Integration
230+ Deep dive questions for personal & professional growth