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All of us have been there - yet another "open" or free WiFi hotspot. Register, login and all the other pain there is. WiFire does away with all that. And you can earn good karma by adding to the WiFi hotspot list.

Automatically connect to free Wi-Fi around you

Automatically connect to free Wi-Fi around you

If Banagrams and Scrabble had a child, Wordmint would be it.

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I've found CamScanner to be invaluable, to not just scan important documents, whether passport pages or fixed deposit receipts, but to then easily share them with others over WhatsApp or email. It's essentially rendered my flatbed scanner obsolete.

Scanner for your mobile phone

Scanner for your mobile phone

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The reason I love Wordiest is that it reports how I did against 100 others, as well provides a continuous graph of this measure, keeping me coming back to try and improve. Also, their integration of Wiktionary ensures I'm constantly learning new words and getting reacquainted with ones that I'd forgotten. The only person I'm competing against is myself. Also, it works whether I'm online or...

Single-player free word game with a hint of multiplayer comp

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An absolutely amazing book, that parents, entrepreneurs and pretty much any human who works with other people can use to transform their listening skills and more effectively wrought change - in themselves and others around them.

Just Listen
Discover the secret to getting through to absolutely anyone

Just Listen
Discover the secret to getting through to absolutely anyone

Single-player free word game with a hint of multiplayer comp