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Yury Krutilin
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I played with the app a bit. The hardest part is typing meals, it is like a full-time job.
Definitely, I need a feature "identify food by picture" like "snapit" app does, оr at least "please transcribe voice to text" and implement it with a whisper С++ inside the app for example.

Nuta – Smart Food Journal
Track meals effortlessly and reach your wellness goals

Yury Krutilin
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Looks nice. Is it native or web view based app?

Nuta – Smart Food Journal
Track meals effortlessly and reach your wellness goals

BrewComputer can become the main tool for any homebrewer or a small craft brewery. Its core tool is a recipe calculator.
With BrewComputer, you can create, adjust and calculate recipes, record brew sessions, manage equipment, share recipes with other brewers.
With BrewComputer, you can create, adjust and calculate recipes, record brew sessions, manage equipment, share recipes with other brewers.

Create, adjust, calculate, brew, and share homebrew recipes

Yury Krutilin
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BrewComputer - a free homebrew recipe calculator. We are a team of software developers and are also passionate about homebrewing.
We created BrewComputer to test our own software framework, this is why it is free. We are going to keep the basic functions free forever. We are also working on a new recipe interchange format – BeerJSON, and hope the industry adopts it.
BrewComputer's core tool...

Create, adjust, calculate, brew, and share homebrew recipes

Yury Krutilin
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Do you plan to port it to the mobile platform? Looks like the current technology stack is ideal for the fast porting to the ReactNative.
Remove objects and defects from your pictures - 100% free

Yury Krutilin
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Congratulations @cyrildiagne. Wish to have such brush implementation in the Procreate app for iPad.
Remove objects and defects from your pictures - 100% free

Yury Krutilin
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@sotak Great brew recipes catalog. One little question, why you don't add actual colors. Not only the SRM values but also the colors of the final result in the glass.

Every single BrewDog beer recipe. Ever. For free!

Free, JSON standard for the exchange of beer brewing recipes.
BeerJSON is a successor of BeerXML and is based on BeerXML 2 draft.

Free, JSON standard for the exchange of beer brewing recipes

Yury Krutilin
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BeerJSON is a brew data interchange format that is based on BeerXML 2.0 draft.
Documentation is published here:
Schema definition files can be found here:
Thanks to all contributors!

Free, JSON standard for the exchange of beer brewing recipes

Yury Krutilin
left a comment
Nice and clean UI. Do you plan any monetisation?
Travel Information Database