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Product-led growth is the top trend of 2021, but there’s still a whole lot of product imposters out there. Are you one of them? In this guide, OpenView, Pendo, and Product Collective all team up to help you figure this out (and what to do if you are).

Product Benchmarks
Evaluate your product across the metrics that matter most

Developers are a tough crowd.
They have limited time, they don’t like to be sold to, and they certainly don’t pick up the phone. Painfully aware of this reality, technical founders have become anti-marketing and sales.
Don't be that founder.
Developer Go-to-Market Playbook
Developers aren't aliens.

Save yourself from annoying sales calls and use SaaS Burner! You'll get to try out the product in peace.
SaaS Burner
Burn SaaS salesguys at the starting block

This is the guide we wish we had when we started freelancing.
It's a collaboration between InVision, the world's leading design platform, and Bonsai, the world's leading freelance management platform.
It's for freelancers of all kinds: new or experienced, moonlighter or full time, designer, developer, photographer, writer, marketer, you name it.
InVision x Bonsai Guide to Freelancing
A free ebook to start & grow your freelance career