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Instagram meets Tinder

Kosuke Hata
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hey. thank you so much again everyone for the love and all of the people that have made this possible:
@dmgrossblatt @thesamparr @jsneedles @rrhoover @staringispolite @jmrushworth @carlo2nd @1psmith @armenls @brainix @scottandthesea @jgvandehey @phampeter @estrada_joseph @kevenhempel @emmapol3 @jlvandehey @missmeredith802 @woodhoot @sherrilee7 @tomwuzzy @hermdiggy @nextstoryco @medicguy...

Share silly sound clips with friends 🔊 &dmxbark

Kosuke Hata
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Share silly sound clips with friends 🔊 &dmxbark

Kosuke Hata
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Share silly sound clips with friends 🔊 &dmxbark

Kosuke Hata
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Thanks for using the app guys!
This is me right now:

Share silly sound clips with friends 🔊 &dmxbark

Share silly sound clips with friends 🔊 &dmxbark

Kosuke Hata
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Does anyone watch The League? Does this not remind anyone of the "Pee bib"?

The Stand Up
Stand Up and Join the Urination

Kosuke Hata
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Hey y'all, Kosuke Hata here, Founder and CEO of Animal Robo. Animal Robo is an iPhone app where you can set a time and place and you can get a drone on demand. We're currently available in the San Francisco Bay Area only.
Let me know if you have any questions!

Animal Robo
Uber for drones

Animal Robo
Uber for drones

Kosuke Hata
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thanks @rrhoover for inviting me to producthunt!
@yvoschaap, though it might be some time till we're out to amsterdam, don't buy it you rent it from us and test it out with us :)
@tommoor, we're offering a few options. 1) we'll teach you how to fly a drone, a drone school and flying program 2) or you can just rent the drone (only if you've done #1 before). 3) Another option is that you...

DJI Phantom2 Vision+
Drone that shoots stabilized 1080p