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Jakob Steiner
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Looks cool! In a time where social media platforms try so hard to get our attention, managing off-time has become really crucial. I use Android Wellbeing to achieve something similar, but it leaves a lot to be desired.
Do you plan to release on Android as well?

Duolingo for reducing screen time

Jakob Steiner
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Isn't this possible with the default iOS calender app?

Every Year
A perennial calendar that helps you remember annual events

Jakob Steiner
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Finally, the Reddit experience we deserve!

Yesterday For Old Reddit
Old Reddit optimized for iPhones

Building on the pitfalls of other popular package managers in the ecosystem, we aim to deliver streamlined package updates, easy GitOps integration, package dependency management, and simplified configuration options.

The next generation package manager for Kubernetes

Jakob Steiner
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Interesting, congrats for the launch!
Only Spotify? What about the rest of us? Other streaming platforms?

Sounds Right
An initiative that generates royalties from nature's music

Jakob Steiner
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At first I was sceptical but after reading through the docs a bit, I think this could be a really nice fit for e.g. someone developing a software product that doesn't have and API (or even a webserver). GDPR compliance is a big plus (the comany is from france).
Some criticism: Requiring Keycloak seems a little tough, especially for a product written in Rust. Maybe you could provide different...

OpenSource Webhook as a service, secure and enterprise ready

Jakob Steiner
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Congrats! The screenshots/mockups look beautiful. Some questions:
- What platforms will the app be available for?
- Is the "digital coach" an LLM or an actual human?
BTW, the second link is broken…

urth by trst
No matter the pre-diabetes diagnosis, we've got you covered!

Jakob Steiner
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Why does this need AI?
Complete code reviews in hours, not days, right from Slack

Jakob Steiner
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Congrats, this looks really cool!

Open-source framework for embedded analytics