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Kaloyan Dobrev
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The most important thing is to have separate working space where the main focus is work and to have some kind of schedule even if is flexible. And have your workspace in separate room from your bedroom that is also important.
How to make working from home easier?
Ezgi Aydın
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Kaloyan Dobrev
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We've had the pleasure of using Visual Debug for almost 6 months, starting from when it was still in beta. From the very beginning, it was an impressive tool, and it has only continued to improve. Personally, I've found that Visual Debug has made a significant impact in bridging the gap between web development and marketing departments, fostering a more seamless collaboration.
Visual Debug
A visual feedback tool for better client-dev communication

Night Eye enables dark mode on Safari iOS 15 for any website while browsing the internet, just like you do on your desktop.
No more hassles and workarounds. Simply install Night Eye from the App Store and enable it in Safari's options. Go easy on your eyes!
No more hassles and workarounds. Simply install Night Eye from the App Store and enable it in Safari's options. Go easy on your eyes!

Night Eye
Enable Safari dark mode for iPhone/iPad on iOS15

Relanote is а tool that combines both hierarchical and non-hierarchical note-taking. The bi-directional links to connect the dots and see the bigger picture. By leveraging the power knowledge graphs, Relanote adapts to your way of thinking.

Relanote - your knowledge graph
The note-taking app that adapts to your thinking process

Kaloyan Dobrev
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Here is my list for productivity:
1. Get up early as possible
2. Get enough sleep - the brain need to recharge
3. Exercise daily
4. Schedule time for every task and the double it
5. Schedule time for fun - it sounds bizarre, but in this era it really helps
6. No external distraction - phone mute, music off
7. Set notepad and write the task to it after completion - scratch - it must be physical...
What are your best productivity tips and habits?
Audrey Rampon
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Kaloyan Dobrev
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Relanote is the note-taking app that combines both hierarchical and non-hierarchical (wiki-style) note-taking. By leveraging the power of both methods, Relanote adapts to your way of thinking and allows you to create your personal knowledge base
Core features:
🤓 Notes organization on autopilot
If you are looking to escape the hierarchical organization, no problem! By using bi-directional...

Relanote - your knowledge graph
The note-taking app that adapts to your thinking process

Kaloyan Dobrev
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I love this plugin, my eyes do get strained a lot as I stare at a screen for 17 hours a day! This plugin is amazing. It is simple yet it provides all the functionality I needed to add a dark mode toggle button to my website!! Thanks! Works perfectly with Elementor Builder. I opt for the free version with contribution - I like that I have the option to use the "Pro" version for Free.

WordPress Dark Mode Plugin
Add smooth dark mode on your WordPress website

Relanote is а note-taking app that combines both hierarchical and non-hierarchical (wiki-style) note-taking. By leveraging the power of both methods, Relanote adapts to your way of thinking and allows you to create your personal knowledge base.

A new form of note taking app

Kaloyan Dobrev
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Congrats on launching. I have a question about privacy - does the extension send the sentences back to server for checking or the check is made locally ? And if locally how do you manage to transmit the machine learning model ?
Linguix Business Grammar & Spell Checker
Take your business communication to a new level

Kaloyan Dobrev
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@guillaume_sarfati First of all - Congratulation on releasing.
For the website I like that is simple and to the point, but I little bit more text will be better.
Because yours users of the extensions will most like come from to places - Google Search and Chrome Store Search from mine experience. Same thing for Chrome Store Listing - Add a lot more text and describe the benefits that come from...
Some people make a chrome extension here ? Chrome extension deployed !!! Some feedbacks ?
Guillaume Sarfati
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Kaloyan Dobrev
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Yes, I am with you FileZilla need dark mode asap. One other app for me is Dualingo - I spend a lot of time on it at night. It will be perfect if they added.
Hi Makers. Which app/dev tool need dark mode asap, but don’t have ?
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Kaloyan Dobrev
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Hi Siepen, personally we didn't have much success as expected with the ads. But maybe we have done something incorrect. In mine personal experience I visit Quora for the knowledge of answer and when I see ads I just skip them. If you decide to try to run a campaign please share the results back.
Has anyone had good success with Quora or Reddit Ads? What sort of results did you see?
Dan Siepen
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Kaloyan Dobrev
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Yes, the last dazzling white spot is finally fixed. I can have a really dark mode while debugging. Congratulations on the development. Is there a search option in the source code?

Night Viewer
Enable dark mode for View Page Source (Chrome/Firefox/Edge)

Kaloyan Dobrev
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I agree with @austinmeta. Product hunt is community and for one community to give help to you, You have to become part of the community. Here so many products are launching every day that if you spent 10 minutes of your time every day and give one feedback to someone - it is the most valuable thing you can do in Product Hunt.
Please, give me advice!!!
John Banko
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Kaloyan Dobrev
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Cool idea. I try it and like it. The feature picture-in-picture is awesome for this. I am watching the river right now it is so relaxing. Are the videos live or looping recording ?
Greenthumb - Calming nature videos 🌲🌊
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Kaloyan Dobrev
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Do you consider dark mode for your website ?

Dark CSS Generator
Generate ready to use dark CSS files for your website

Dark CSS generator is a free service using the same alghorithm powering Night Eye. It allows you to generate ready to use dark CSS files for your website.

Dark CSS Generator
Generate ready to use dark CSS files for your website