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This page generate a unique sakura tree base on your input as "seed". The tree 🌳 is procedurally generated base on L-system with some twist to make it look like sakura tree 🌸.

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Kelvin ko
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I am using Stashany, note taking app with feature tailor for developer
I am developer of it : )
Do you use notetaking apps? Which one would you suggest and why? 🙏🏼
Barış Bingöl
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Kelvin ko
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Hi all,
We recently launched an Online Notepad for developer.
We would love to hear your feedback and suggestion.
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 20th of January)
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Kelvin ko
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For me, It would be great to have a link to some actual coding. For example, some project in GitHub (even simple app is fine). I think other engineer interviewer would like to see the coding style (e.g. naming, pattern, structure and library).
Hey tech employers, what do you wish to see in a junior dev portfolio?
Huaiyu Khaw
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