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As what others have said there are alternatives out there, for example, Pixc

Quickly remove unwanted backgrounds from photos

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Like it or not, your every move is being watched and analyzed. Consumer's identities are being stolen, and a person's every step is being tracked and stored. What once might have been dismissed as paranoia is now a hard truth, and privacy is a luxury few can afford or understand.
Kevin Mitnick illustrates what is happening without your knowledge--and he teaches you "the art of invisibility."

The Art of Invisibility
Be online without leaving a trace.

The Art of Invisibility
Be online without leaving a trace.

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Link won't work? Was going to try it out..

Antiselfie club
Take a photo and get a antiselfie.

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Awesome! Finally we've heard more about the dev release. What is disappointing is the fact it is only available to those in the US or Canada (Aussie here).

Microsoft HoloLens Dev Edition
The first real holographic computing platform, for devs.

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I have so much love for Tesla (Elon inc.) I just wish the price point was lower to see more conversations. Especially in Australia, we need to see more of them on the road.

Tesla Model X
Tesla's latest, wicked fast, electric SUV

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Hey Ray, nice to see you on here. Nice tricky one, explain why Amazon can be seen as a scary competitor in our marketplace today. Furthermore are there any companies that you see that could be a real threat to Amazon? If so who?

Disrupting Digital Business
Create an authentic experience in the peer-to-peer economy

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See, I was planning on being productive today... Now I'm unsure.

My 90's TV
TV from your childhood

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One of my all time fav reads. The book reads at the best of times as if you're watching a mind blowing thriller, Its hard to remember that these stories actually happened in real life. As soon as you read the foreward by Steve Wozniak.. you will be hooked. I promise.

Ghost In The Wires
Adventures as the world's most wanted hacker

Ghost In The Wires
Adventures as the world's most wanted hacker

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This would be amazing.... if this came to Australia ;)

Tap a button to find hamburger places around you

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TIL that this is even possible.

Twitter Archive Eraser
Delete your old tweets in one go—well beyond the 3200 limit.

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This, is just too good. Awesome work. Enjoy the extra lovin'

Hunter Hunt
The easiest way to find Hunters