Kirti Joshi

Kirti Joshi

Product Marketing Manager — Idera Inc.
32 points
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Kirti Joshi
Our famous plug-and-play JavaScript page builder has gone free! Using a modular web design system, Froala Pages Free offers a fast and easy way for your users to create and edit standardized and customizable web content.
Froala Pages
Your free plug-and-play JavaScript page builder
Kirti Joshi
From the makers of award winning WYSIWYG Editor, Froala Editor, we now present Froala Charts!
Froala Charts is your go-to, enterprise-grade library for your app's charting needs.
Froala Charts
Froala Charts
The most comprehensive charting library for your application
Kirti Joshi
More testing, less boilerplate coding. Significantly reduce the effort to build robust and reliable UI tests for web applications with Sencha WebTestIt, a lightweight IDE optimized for building with Selenium or Protractor. Get started:
A free lightweight IDE optimized for building UI web tests.