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Guess for words in 25 languages with 297870 words in total, with daily challenges, customizable max attempts, and word length

Word guesser in 25 languages with daily challenges

Dominik Gyecsek
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Wordle is one of the biggest sensations now, but there weren't any apps out there which had the option to guess in multiple languages. AnyLingo has 25 languages you can select from, with daily challenges for each. In the next releases, we will be adding more and more languages, to make word guessing available for as many people as possible. Currently, AnyLingo supports English, Spanish,...

Word guesser in 25 languages with daily challenges

Build your vocabulary with video clips
-Study over 9500 words
-Categorized by 40 topics, and 3 difficulty levels
-Over 30000 video clips
-Practice to master words

Swipe to Study
Learn languages with YouTube videos

Dominik Gyecsek
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Hey Product Hunters!
After more than a year of hard work, I am excited to share DoEntry, a guided journaling application with built-in templates to help you reflect on your life, form habits, reduce π°, π΄ better, feel π, and π.
*Feature Highlights*
π 45 built-in templates for all occasions to keep consistent journals. Or you can even create your own templates with custom text, number,...

Guided journaling made by you

DoEntry is a private guided journal with goal & time tracking, versatile templates that can help you to be more mindful & happier. You can even set up your own templates with custom fields to track and review basically anything with 60 customizable charts.

Guided journaling made by you

Effortlessly study flashcards while doing something else by listening to your favourite songs or ambient music from SoundCloud, YouTube, and others with periodical interruptions of the pronunciations and notifications of your own flashcards from Quizlet.

Breezy Studty
Study in the background

ODM makes it easy and fast for organizations and councils to publish and keep existing location-based datasets updated in an highly searchable and visual format. Everyone can also add locations under the CC0 licence making it available for everyone as well.

Open Data Map
Location-based open data from organizations and you

Dominik Gyecsek
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Hi, ProductHunt community!
There are many location-based datasets from all around the world posted by different councils and organizations, however these are many times not really accessible.
The Open Data Map supports CSV, XML, XLSX, JSON, GeoJSON, KML, KMZ and Shape files (this is only available for organizations for now) which are updated on the ODM periodically to reflect changes. Among...

Open Data Map
Location-based open data from organizations and you

Simple Cards is a flashcard manager application for iOS, Android and the Web with Dropbox sync, tagging, scheduled notifications of selected cards, autoplay and auto-pronounce, flexible export/import options, 4 practices types and dark mode.

Simple Cards
A powerful and easy-to-use flashcard manager

With Moodio you can easily log your mood with just a couple of taps without writing a word.
Features: Powerful statistics, daily and monthly breakdown of your moods, Dropbox sync.

Emotion tracker app to analyse your mood changes