Kin Yang

Kin Yang

Co-ounder Tech Ltd
12 points
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Kin Yang
Kin Yang
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Ghost Kitty
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Kin Yang
Kin Yang
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Congratulations, More AI tools enhance productivity, more they unleash human creativity.
Gloria G
Will launch very soon!!! Feel excited😌! Any last tips, community?
Kin Yang
Kin Yang
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User research is crucial, but it can be time-consuming. Consider quick, iterative methods like user interviews or surveys to gather insights efficiently.
Anyone thinks that they should be doing more user research but it always takes too long to do?
Kin Yang
Kin Yang
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Great! Congratulations on the launch
Dovydas Volodko
Salesforge is live today πŸš€ After countless sleepless nights!
Dovydas Volodko
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