Provide a single color value and Palx returns a full-spectrum color palette, well suited for UI design and data visualizations that work harmoniously with brand colors.
Sup producthunts. We made a thing to share your real work in progress. Stop flexing on dribbble and share your real work in progress on Keyframes
The Design Kit Travel Pack is a deck of 32 cards containing bite-sized design exercises you (or your team) can use to unleash your inner creative genius.
The exercises in the Travel Pack are divided into three sections designed to help you get inspired, take creative risks, and test your ideas in the real world, no matter what you’re working on.
Tap into the world’s leading community of photographers for custom content that energizes your brand and inspires your audience.
/foh-k uh s/ (Focus) is a beautiful focus timer to help you get shit done.
Feather is a collection of simply beautiful open source icons. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency and readability.