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Jonathan Ma
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this is amazing! good job guys!

Manage and cancel your paid subscriptions

Jonathan Ma
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amazing concept for UX and great use of the proximity sensor... would love an invite anyone?

Share video, honestly. A new app by Casey Neistat.

Jonathan Ma
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great stuff. definitely will share @tylermanley

Use your professional skills to help charities

Jonathan Ma
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This is awesome! I love the pocket addition!

Apliiq Custom T-Shirts
Quality branded pocket Tee Shirts

Jonathan Ma
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@erictwillis Great find, looks promising! But will it stand the Turing test of email newsletters? ^_^

AI Weekly
Weekly collection of the top news on Artificial Intelligence

Jonathan Ma
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Great stuff, Paddle! Awesome content!

A Developer's Guide to App Marketing
Free ebook that explains you everything about app marketing

Jonathan Ma
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Awesome design and great idea. Definitely like betalist for games. :)
On an iPhone 5c, so not sure if its different for the iPhone 6/plus but just note there isn't a "forgot password" link at login.
After I selected a game, and got it into "My games", the launch screen gets cut off and only say "To improve this game, we collect screenshots and..." whatever is next gets cut off or was that...

Play new iPhone/iPad games before they hit the app-store

Jonathan Ma
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This is awesome! Subscribing now!

App Store Launch Stories
A podcast about the stories behind app launches

Jonathan Ma
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Really fun and super engaging. You got a great storytelling voice!
Any plans to mix in an actual startup's story into this? A historical fiction of sorts. Would be interesting to see what decisions @rrhoover had to make at critical crossroads in the PH history. Could be a new way of telling one's startup story. ^_^

A "choose your own adventure" story for startup founders

Jonathan Ma
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Backer number 35! Wohoo! Congrats, @erictwillis! Definitely excited for this book. Community driven startups are the future fosho! would love to learn from the master and help out in anyway I can, Sensei Eric . ^_^

The Product Hunt Effect
A book about the impact of community-driven startups

Jonathan Ma
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Strangely addictive. Similar graphics to Flappy Bird. Controls nowhere as sensitive as Flappy Bird, Great design and animations.

Cooped Up
Not quite as hard as Flappy Bird...but close

Cooped Up
Not quite as hard as Flappy Bird...but close

GTA V for PC
Don't really need me to tell you how good GTA5 is, now on PC