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Katarina Stanley
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Glad to be a part of your team!!!
Afforai went from $700 to $82,000 in 7 days!!
Alec Nguyen
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Katarina Stanley
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I’m a big action/sci-fi fan. Some of my favorites are John Wick, Blade Runner, and Back to the Future!
What type of movies do you like to watch?
Michael Thomas
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Katarina Stanley
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Exercise and to-do lists!
How do you handle work stress at the start of the week?
Tanya Pereira
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Katarina Stanley
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I love this. I feel like this community is too good and nice for competition😂
Products that I liked on Product Hunt today!
Rohan Chaubey
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Katarina Stanley
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Notion for sure.
Which apps do you use the most in your day-to-day life (work or personal)?
Tanya Pereira
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Katarina Stanley
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Hahaha I think you should do it. Just believe that it’s a lucky day :)
Launch on Friday 13th or not?
Ghost Kitty
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Katarina Stanley
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I guess it depends on what you think creativity is. To me, creativity has a humanistic quality to it, that makes it unique and special. Since chatgpt takes from other sources, I think it creatively derives information from other places, but I don’t think it is innately creative.
Does Chat GPT write creatively?
Kate Chasten
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Katarina Stanley
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Super cool! I would be interested in using this, especially as a college student :)

Student OS
Your buddy in everyday student life

Katarina Stanley
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I really liked Oppenheimer! I just saw it for the first time and it was really cool to see Nolan direct a biopic. I also loved how RDJ’s character was played.
What's a book, movie or TV show you recently enjoyed, and why did it resonate with you?
Sheikh Waqas
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Katarina Stanley
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I think there are a lot of common challenges that designers face because user experience is never fully “seamless”. However, I think one of the biggest issues is transitioning from mobile to desktop forms.
What are some common challenges designers face when trying tocreate a seamless user experience?
Mohamad mahdi Jamshidiyan
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Katarina Stanley
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We use AI as a way to help you streamline your research!
What is the most unique way you’ve seen AI being used?
Magic Mike Paine
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Katarina Stanley
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I’d say it depends on the context, but I’m mostly introverted!
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Sepideh Yazdi
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Katarina Stanley
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I think it depends on the subject and the amount of time/effort you are willing to spend on your learning! If you try to spend more than you can, it’s not worth it to learn in that way!
Distant learning or physical? What do your prefer and why?
Ghost Kitty
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Katarina Stanley
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This happened to me a lot, especially when I was at school and spent a lot of time reading but not by my own choice. To get back into reading, I started off with lighter books, a lot of them “silly” or fun. I read what I wanted to and what was easy for me so that I could get back into it. Not every book you read has to be a classic! Not everything you read has to be self-help! But if those are...
How did you develop book reading habit?
Vinnie Tran
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Katarina Stanley
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I have used both. I find that Apple products are physically beautiful, they interface well with other products, and the os is visually beautiful too. However, I think Windows products have a more compelling and capable os, can take the brunt of a workload, and multitask realllly well.
Which one for work: MacBook or Windows Laptops?
Salar Davari
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Katarina Stanley
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This sounds super cool. Almost like the vigilante work of the internet and of AI.
AI + Ethical hacking?
Kathan Desai
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Katarina Stanley
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My favorite thing to do when I have a lot of ideas is write them all down in Notion. I categorize them based on three different levels: personal, educational, and professional. I do something similar to the “to-do” list hack that I heard one time, where you delegate tasks for a later date if they require more time/energy than you can give in the moment, do tasks the moment you think of them (in...
How do you prioritise your ideas?
Sergei Petrov
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Katarina Stanley
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Not only thinking about the user when they are using the product but actually seeing them use it in real time. With a set of outside eyes, identifying flaws and further possible developments for a product helps make a user-centered design.
What are the key steps you consider essential during your product design journey?
Serkan Mercan
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Katarina Stanley
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I’m a big fan of dark mode because I feel that it’s easier on my eyes. I also think there are some apps/sites that look nicer in dark mode!
Do you find dark mode or light mode more comfortable for extended use?
Ceren Tuna
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Katarina Stanley
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Our product allows you to research anything… quickly! Afforai is an AI service that helps compile information from documents of any length in any language. It lets you ask AI questions about your documents and helps the user summarize key findings from their documents. It is a research tool, an organizational tool, and a document translation tool, all in one!
100 day streak 🚀 What is the problem you solve with your product?
Frank Sondors
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