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Kasper Meilgaard
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Wow! Great initiative :D. Hope it will help struggling companies in figuring out the challenge ahead!
Software Donation
Donate tools to enable remote work during COVID-19 outbreak

Kasper Meilgaard
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This is the second iteration of a project I'm working on. It used to be called Jobs/Curated, but figured this is more declarative.
I like the indy/bootstrap style of building startups and this is one of the first concepts I churned out in a while!
Just like last time, I'm going to try and process your feedback, convert it to tasks and get them in production as soon as possible, so please be...
Reviewed Jobs
Developer jobs - reviewed by developers

Companies post a job opening that get reviewed by experts. The experts are qualified developers for the jobs they are vetting. They will score on aspects ranging from salary to culture. Resulting in a reviewed list of high-quality job opportunities.
Reviewed Jobs
Developer jobs - reviewed by developers

Kasper Meilgaard
left a comment
Two weeks ago I figured it was time to start working more for myself and less for clients. I like the indy/bootstrap style of building startups and this is one of the first concepts I churned out in a while!
I'm going to try and process your feedback, convert it to tasks and get them in production as soon as possible, so please be brutal! :)

Jobs/Curated V1.0
A list of jobs - curated by industry experts

Job openings get reviewed by experts. These experts are not your normal recruiters. They are qualified for the jobs they are vetting. Scoring is done on aspects ranging from salary to work-life balance, resulting in a curated list of high-quality jobs.

Jobs/Curated V1.0
A list of jobs - curated by industry experts