James Blackwell

James Blackwell

Building Quizgecko, Co-founded BuzzSumo
50 points
All activity
James Blackwell
Generate quality stock photos of people that don't exist, in seconds. Adjust clothing, hair, style, and even age to get the perfect photo. Royalty free and no model release required.
Generate quality stock photos of people that don't exist.
James Blackwell
Quizgecko generates quiz questions from any text. You can generate multiple choice, true/false, short answer and fill in the blank style questions. Simply copy and paste, add a URL or even upload PDFs, Powerpoints and more.
Generate quiz questions using AI
James Blackwell
With BuzzSumo's Keyword Tool you can discover thousands of new keywords, alongside their monthly search volume, cost per click & search trends. Available now on all plans, pair with deep engagement insights to create authoritative content that's bound to rank.
BuzzSumo Keyword Tool
See monthly search volume, cost per click & search trends.
James Blackwell

The BuzzSumo Topic Explorer is designed to inspire your content creation process by providing ideas related to your key terms.

All you need is one subject, and Topic Explorer will do the rest. Just type in your search; you’ll get related words, forum questions and content that could springboard that next great article.

BuzzSumo Topic Explorer
BuzzSumo Topic Explorer
Find inspiration for your next piece of content.
James Blackwell

BuzzSumo's Question Analyzer is a search engine of questions from forums, Reddit, Quora & e-commerce sites like Amazon. Use it to find the questions real people are asking about any topic. Perfect for generating content ideas and market research.

BuzzSumo's Question Analyzer
BuzzSumo's Question Analyzer
Find the most popular questions asked
James Blackwell
SumoRank by BuzzSumo
SumoRank by BuzzSumo
Analyze what performs best for any Facebook Page