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Justine Peterson
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As someone who is building a community on telegram, I think you are doing a great job, congrats :) I will follow your English community and learn from you Alexey.
I brought my Telegram channel about Startups and Products to 1,100+ subscribers in over a year. AMA.
Alexey Shashkov
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Justine Peterson
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The Almanak of Naval, This book changed my perspective on how I viewed wealth and making money. Also, I got a lot of insight into how to grow an online audience to date I occasionally go back to it, and every time I read it I get new lessons.
Which are the books that changed your mindset? Why?
Martina Hackbartt
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Justine Peterson
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As someone who has built a community of developers before and someone who is currently building another community I must say that it is challenging, but the reward is much higher from our community we are getting earl feedback on our product features and on the side of management we are having few of our employees especially from the marketing department to act as community managers.
How do you build and grow a community with a small team?
Felix Exner
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