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Header Bidding Adapter which can open up your stock to a portion of the World's biggest Ad Exchanges and DSPs to help CPM, when coordinated with your Header Bidding Setup

Header Bidder Adapter (Prebid.js)
Header Bidder Adapter (Prebid.js) | Revive Adservermod

IP Based Frequency Capping for Revive Adserver is used to limit the number of views from same / particular IP.

IP Based Frequency Capping in Revive
IP Based Frequency Capping for Revive Adserver

DMP Manager unifies customer data effectively and also provides Customer Data Platform as a complete platform which is designed with marketer-friendly interface to perform operations such as data collection, profile unification, segmentation and activation.

Customer data platform|dJAX DMP Manager
CDP is a complete audience insight platform

DMP Collect, analyse and segment invaluable first, second and third-party data to elevate your standard of operations in every digital sector. DMP Manager along with the precise data elevates audience targeting to the next level.

data management platform|djax DMPManager
It collects data from various source and brings more ROI .

A futuristic plugin to deliver enhancing creatives for Android and iOS applications, Mobile ads SDK plugin for Android/iOS is designed to deliver engaging ads

Mobile Ads SDK for iPhone/Android Apps
AB ads on iOS/android applications with targeting option

Enhanced VAST video solution for Revive adserver compatible with
VAST 2.0,3.0,4.0 & 4.1
The plugin is an advanced version of VAST video ads with enhanced features to amplify the impact of creatives.

Vast Video Ad Plugin for Revive Adserver
Delivering video ads that improve the current video ads

Jules john
left a comment
I would like to suggest "Advance VAST video ads plugin for Revive Adserver" It has more advanced features to rich your business to next level .
For more information visit----->

A free tool to find content decay and help win back traffic

Being a predominant player in the Ad serving technology field, dJAX offers plethora of solutions and products to choose, from Ad networks to Ad tech enhancements; providing expert analysis and consulting.

Custom Ad Serving Platform
Being a player in the Ad serving technology

Reviveadservermod who offers more effective plugins for revive adserver. We provide more plugins for video, mobile, desktop and third party integration. Our modules supports all versions of revive adserver and offers hassle free operations.

Plugin for Revive Adserver
We offers more effective plugins for revive adserver.

dJAX data management platform, based on Hadoop smoothens data integration, segmentation and preparation based on meta data and workflow into a single software solution. Integrate with multiple data processing tools that can deliver scalable, cost effective.

Data Management Software(DMP)-DMPManager
data management platform , dmp for marketer, dmp for agency