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Justin Ruckman
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Been testing Arrows since the fall -- it's one of those tools that seems so obvious once you use it. Like, how has this not been a thing until now? The best kind. Lots of initial success simplifying our previously complex web of literally hundreds of spreadsheets. I'm a believer in this + @danielzarick & @benedictfritz, stoked to see where it goes!

Collaborative onboarding for high-touch customers

Justin Ruckman
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Updated for Rogue One!

Force Block: the Star Wars spoiler blocker
Block pages with spoilers from the latest Star Wars movies

Rock the Note
Auto-tune the candidates with your own melodies 🇺🇸🎸

Justin Ruckman
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Where did the name Winnie come from?

Great activities and destinations for families

Justin Ruckman
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Share your love of Carolina football with these free fan-made emojis and animated GIFs. Just in time for the Super Bowl!

The unofficial Carolina Panthers emoji keyboard

The unofficial Carolina Panthers emoji keyboard

Justin Ruckman
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With The Force Awakens right around the corner, the galaxy needs a proper spoiler blocker. One with advanced multivariate pattern matching, and the ability to whitelist false alarms. This is that spoiler blocker. Available for Google Chrome.

Force Block: the Star Wars spoiler blocker
Block pages with spoilers from the latest Star Wars movies

Force Block: the Star Wars spoiler blocker
Block pages with spoilers from the latest Star Wars movies

Justin Ruckman
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I was an early user of Basecamp Classic, then left it for years in favor of other tools, and only in the past several months have gotten back into Basecamp 2. Definitely some things I love and things I don't. Looking forward to trying this out.

Basecamp 3
The best version of Basecamp ever made