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Joyce Lee
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Over the past year, we’ve been working hard to make job and talent matches smarter and more personalized and expanding our platform for designers and marketers. So excited to be launching Arc 3.0 to the world and to hear everyone’s feedback!

Arc 3.0
Your remote job matchmaker for top global tech talent

Arc is a global marketplace for top developers, designers, and marketers. With HireAI, we instantly match talent with freelance and full-time remote jobs. Access a vetted pool of 350,000+ experts from 190 countries. Join today — always free for talent.

Arc 3.0
Your remote job matchmaker for top global tech talent

Joyce Lee
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Super interesting concept! Will definitely be trying this out to replace ChatGPT.
ChatScreen: Sider 2.0 for iOS
AI chat with any on-screen content without switching apps

Joyce Lee
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Interesting concept for personalizing subtitles! How accurate are generating subtitles for content in other languages? Any examples we can reference?
Animated Auto Subtitles by Vmaker AI
Generate,edit auto subtitles in 150+ languages & 100+ styles

Joyce Lee
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Excited to see a better SEO solution for Webflow! Will be trying this out with our team.

The SEO App for Webflow and Framer

Joyce Lee
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Congrats on the launch! Excited to see a more affordable option for a random coffee Slack app.

Random coffee app for Slack

Joyce Lee
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Looks like an interesting project! I'm curious if you already have people using the product and what kind of use cases you've seen so far?
Eternity AC
Create your full digital clone. Personality, voice, 3D body.

Joyce Lee
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Congrats on the launch! Excited to see something open source in this space. We'll definitely be trying this out!

Formbricks Two
Open source embeddable survey platform

Joyce Lee
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Fun little game! I did not score well, was definitely surprised by quite a few 😂

Hacker News or Satire?
Test your ability to distinguish between fake and real news

Joyce Lee
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Super cool idea! Are there any plans to add support for multiple languages?

Voice-based storytelling for your family

Meet HireAI - your AI recruiter that instantly matches you with top developers. Access Arc’s community of 250,000 remote developers from 190 countries without manual search, outreach, and resume screening. Sign up today - it’s free to get started!

HireAI by Arc
ChatGPT for hiring remote developers at lightning speed

Joyce Lee
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Super excited about this launch! We have some great technical events coming up, and we'd love to have more members of the community give talks. Would love to hear any feedback!

Codementor Events
Attend & host virtual events for developers

Codementor Events is a developer community and virtual events platform where developers can learn and share new tools, technical concepts, and career tips.

Codementor Events
Attend & host virtual events for developers

Having a rough time making the jump from programming theories to real world code? Check out DevProjects, where you can learn programming by working on curated projects, sharing your code, and receiving feedback from mentors and community members.
DevProjects by Codementor
Learn programming by building projects.

Joyce Lee
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Hi Product Hunt community 👋🏻
If you’re learning programming, you’ll know that one of the hardest things is transitioning from theory to real world code. Through Codementor, we saw that a lot of our users were struggling with the same thing. We asked ourselves: what could we do to make the process easier?
Enter DevProjects.
DevProjects is a community where everyone learning programming has...
DevProjects by Codementor
Learn programming by building projects.