Joshua Wöhle

Joshua Wöhle

CEO @ Mindstone. Ex CPTO @ SuperAwesome
171 points
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Joshua Wöhle
Joshua Wöhle
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Great idea - and very much required :)
Product-Market Fit is Dead
Product-Market Fit is Dead
A resource to help you define customer value
Joshua Wöhle
Joshua Wöhle
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My biggest lessons of 2022 - what were yours?

My Biggest Lessons from #2022: Risk, Content, and Delegation. Today I went back and pulled out my three biggest lessons of the year. What are yours? 🔥 How Avoiding Risk Held Me Back My biggest learning of the year and a hard one to accept. I learned that while I was proud of my ability to bounce back from setbacks, I also avoided taking risks that could lead to progress. This impacted my...
Joshua Wöhle
Joshua Wöhle
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Do routines help or hinder your productivity?

Why do so many people have a negative view of routines? I believe they are essential for our mental well-being, prioritisation, and habit-building. 🧠 Routines help us take charge of our mental wellbeing Going through the most challenging period of my life, a high school psychologist helped me climb out of the pit I was in. She told me to take 1 minute each day to rate how I felt and write down...
Joshua Wöhle
Joshua Wöhle
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Today was the first time indeed :p
Sveta Bay
Have you already started postponing tasks for the next year? 😅
Joshua Wöhle
Joshua Wöhle
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Soft skills more important than hard skills?

A new report by Pearson predicts that the top five most in-demand #skills in 2026 will be the human skills of 🤝 Collaboration, 🎯 Customer Focus, 👨‍🎓 Personal #Learning & #Mastery, 🌟 Achievement Focus, and ⁉ Cultural and Social Intelligence. They go on to say that "While #technical skills are important for many jobs, people will need to retrain frequently to ensure they keep up with the pace...
Joshua Wöhle
Joshua Wöhle
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Hacks to optimise your information diet?

A recent discussion with a friend resulted in a thought about how "You become the average of the content you expose yourself to" and in a world of information overload, too many leave that exposure up to #chance. Borrowing from the adage "You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with", the quantity of information we have to deal with on a daily basis has a strong shaping...
Joshua Wöhle
Joshua Wöhle
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Airpods pro 2 :)
Aaron O'Leary
What do you want to see at tomorrows Apple event? 👀
Aaron O'Leary
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Joshua Wöhle
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Joshua Wöhle
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Joshua Wöhle
Joshua Wöhle
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This team is on FIRE. Great new launch -- looking forward how people will use it
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