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Joshua Pinter
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Great job with this! I always put stickies on key quotes of books and then I manually type them up with the page number after I finish the book. Maybe I'll give this a whirl on the next one and see if it works well.

App to scan a paper book to save quotes and organize summary

Joshua Pinter
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This is dope. I learned VIM in a similar fashion:

Knights of the Flexbox Table
A game to learn and remember Flexbox with Tailwind CSS

Joshua Pinter
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I like this a lot.
I currently use to keep my new tabs clean and non-distracting. But this is a perfect use of a new tab. Gives you a feeling of connectedness with your team around the world without getting up in your face.
Nicely done.

See your remote teammates every time you open a new tab

Joshua Pinter
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Can you use an additional MagSafe device on top of this, like a stand, or is it one or the other?

MagSafe Battery Pack by Apple
Your iPhone 12's extra life

Joshua Pinter
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Beautiful refresh. I used to love using this app prior to switching to Git and Tower. Any plans to support Git or is Versions going to remain an svn client?

The user-friendly subversion (SVN) client, true to the Mac

Joshua Pinter
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Not bad. I think the OmniCharge Ultimate is the leader in this space. Same capacity, 120V outlet and swappable batteries.

PowerBen Powerbank
The next generation portable power station

Joshua Pinter
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I love it. I want it. I just need to justify it.
Label Dispenser by Sticker Mule
The fastest, easiest way to dispense labels

Joshua Pinter
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Now make it for macOS and support Lossless HiFi, like VOX. Not enough good options in that space.

Beautiful music player

Joshua Pinter
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We use Twilio's Video SDK and it's great. It's nice to see some more battle-tested competition in this space.

Video SDK from Zoom
Build fully customizable video-based apps

Joshua Pinter
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I use Unarchiver but this is really slick. Well done.

Preview your Zip archives

Joshua Pinter
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Concept is sound but you don't need an app just for this.
Either use your existing To-Do / List solution and put the one thing you need to get done at the top.
Or, just use a sticky note and write one To-Do every day that if you get that one thing done and nothing else, the day would be a success. When the day is done, recycle the sticky note and write a fresh one tomorrow morning.

One task today

Joshua Pinter
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Been looking for a macOS native app for SoundCloud for awhile. I've tried a few and ended up settling with just creating a pseudo app via Unite. I've set it up as a Menu Bar app with a custom app icon. Pretty slick.
I'd still replace it with a native app if it did everything I needed.

A native SoundCloud app for macOS written in SwiftUI

Joshua Pinter
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Learning VIM bindings was a game changer for me. It transformed the way I "connect" with my computer and my code. You really have to try it for a bit to really appreciate it.
I used at the time as it made learning the bindings like a game. This looks super helpful as well.
I couldn't recommend learning VIM enough. Just remember that it will get worse before it...
Learn vim fast with interactive exercises in the browser

Joshua Pinter
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Love it! Will be redecorating the home office wall shortly!

Your code is art - git contributions on your wall

Joshua Pinter
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Been using this for a couple years. It's not perfect but it's the best I've seen.
After moving to work-from-home last year, it was especially handy to be able to adjust the equipment I had on-hand so the workouts only include equipment I have available.

Workout and fitness plans

Joshua Pinter
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Really really smart. Well done. We're in the midst of updating our help videos so I'll add this to the list to try out and compare against other solutions. Nice one!
Oh, and quick tip - get a better microphone! They're cheap and they make all the difference.
A new way to create professional product walkthrough videos.