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Joshua Ooi
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Pretty awesome to see the ability to measure badminton smash speeds on your mobile phone!

LingBu ShuttleSpeed
Find your speed, beat your friends, challenge the world

LingBu ShuttleSpeed
Find your speed, beat your friends, challenge the world

Joshua Ooi
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It's that time of the year again! Have fun today, everyone.

The greatest invention since drinking!

The greatest invention since drinking!

Joshua Ooi
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This looks pretty cool! Seeing what happened to the modular phone intiative i.e. Project Ara, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this makes it into production.

A modular Midi controller for DJs, producers and musicians!

A modular Midi controller for DJs, producers and musicians!

Cloud-ready Microwaveable Notebook

Joshua Ooi
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This has got to be the most useful wearable to date when it launches. How the power of love inspires innovation.

A world without langua barrier

Joshua Ooi
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As a regular procrastinator, it definitely helps to have things in my calendar. And with a clever little algorithm working it's magic, I think this is awesome! Not sure if I'd like Google to have more information about me (i.e. How many times to I want to exercise in a week?) but this seems like a simple solution to a common problem.

Goals by Google Calendar
Google Calendar finds free time and fills it up

Goals by Google Calendar
Google Calendar finds free time and fills it up

Joshua Ooi
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A little on the pricey side for a laptop stand but it sure does look good!

Flio Stand
Ultra portable laptop stand

Flio Stand
Ultra portable laptop stand

Joshua Ooi
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These wooden lap desks look so beautifully made. While I love how these look, I've always been concerned about the ergonomics of using a computer on your lap. Would be nice to have around the house though. Would definitely come in handy.

A range of beautiful wooden lap desks

A range of beautiful wooden lap desks

3D printed phone for paper prototyping

Joshua Ooi
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Million Short is an alternative search engine, which enables users to remove up to the first 1,000,000 Google results, in order to make browsing the web more surprising and give the underdog a fighting chance. Pretty cool. Ran a search for "lego blog" and even after removing the top 10K results, there were still so many of them! The ability to filter out specific things like "remove e-commerce...

Million Short
Search engine that allows you to remove the top results

Million Short
Search engine that allows you to remove the top results

Joshua Ooi
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This is a pretty awesome way to turn old computers that are outdated or underpowered into screaming fast Chromebooks. Neverware converts your existing hardware into a dual-boot system, meaning you can run both your existing OS and Chrome OS. This opens up so many possibilities, one of which is in education. Schools can now repurpose those old clunky machines that they have with Chrome OS and...

Turn any computer into a Chromebook