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Josh Doody
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I sell info-products, but a lot of the way I sell info-products is very SaaS-like. Are there lessons I could take away to improve my info-product site, or is this super-focused on SaaS?

Websites that Convert
The fundamentals of writing compelling website copy

Josh Doody
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This is awesome! So interesting to see the intersection of physical and digital in this way.
Where do you see the Transfer functionality going — it makes sense that this could be friend-to-friend to start, but seems like there’s potential for a lot more than that?

Omni 2.0
Transfer items instantly to friends & all-new Omni for Web.

Josh Doody
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I moved over to Drip a few months ago, and this course has been *key* for setting up Drip (I had about 2,000 subscribers when I made the move). It has also been extremely useful as I rewrote a free course that I'm directly most of my new subscribers to now. *Excellent* investment already.

Mastering Drip
An advanced course on marketing automation

Josh Doody
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Hi everyone! This is an interview I did with @justzeros over at @serdaio.
We talked about salary negotiation topics including a framework for thinking about salary negotiations, how you can know what you’re worth, the employers view of salary negotiation, and missed negotiation opportunities. Also discussed are common fears about negotiating and how to overcome them, common mistakes during...

SE-Radio Podcast | Episode 275: Josh Doody on Salary Negotiation for Software Engineers
Salary negotiation for software engineers

SE-Radio Podcast | Episode 275: Josh Doody on Salary Negotiation for Software Engineers
Salary negotiation for software engineers

Josh Doody
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Hi Product Hunters!
I asked myself, "What would my coaching clients need to get ready for an interview in 20 minutes or less?" And this is what I came up with. It's very, very simple by design.
A simple, printable two-page PDF to prepare you for every interview
What to look for when researching a company
How to respond when they ask for your current or desired salary
How to answer almost any...

The Interview Cheat Sheet
A two-page printable PDF to prepare you for every interview

The Interview Cheat Sheet
A two-page printable PDF to prepare you for every interview

Kalzumeus Podcast - 12: Salary Negotiation with Josh Doody
A deep dive into salary negotiation

Josh Doody
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Really happy to Talk to Dain about interviewing well and how to use LinkedIn to find new opportunities. Any questions about the episode, ask away!

Start Here: Web Development - MASTERING The Interview Process & LinkedIn for Developers
All aspects of the interview process covered. 💪

Start Here: Web Development - MASTERING The Interview Process & LinkedIn for Developers
All aspects of the interview process covered. 💪

Josh Doody
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This podcast was a lot of fun for me because I got to try something brand new.
We ran a short experiment with Google AdWords to see how people responded to my new landing page for Fearless Salary Negotiation. It only took a couple hours of my time, but I learned a lot and had a few "ah ha!" moments that will help me be more strategic with paid acquisition channels as Fearless Salary...

Built in a Day - Helping discover a Growth Engine
See founders validate their assumptions

Built in a Day - Helping discover a Growth Engine
See founders validate their assumptions

Josh Doody
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I'm using the Levels Theme for my book and it's fantastic. See it in action here:
Fearless Salary Negotiation
I just transitioned my entire site over to the new theme to take advantage of the tiered pricing options (I previously had separate landing pages for my book and video courses—now it's all one landing page). It took me about two hours to move to the new template. Everything is very...

Levels Theme
A customizable landing page for product launches

Josh Doody
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Why I made these video courses
Fearless Salary Negotiation began as a book, and now I've added these video courses. The book is great—I'm a big fan ;)—but I found that sometimes people needed to learn the material quickly and they wanted to review specific ideas for specific situations.
For example, they might be starting the interview process with a new company the next day, and they wanted...

Salary Upgrade Toolkit
Get paid what you're worth

Salary Upgrade Toolkit
Get paid what you're worth

Josh Doody
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Thanks so much for sharing this, @gregoiregilbert!
I'm so proud of this course because it shows that salary negotiation doesn't have to be scary.
It's helped people make thousands of dollars more in salary at their new jobs, and it feels great to see people get paid what they're worth and know that I helped.
The course is a self-paced video course that walks you through the salary...

How to negotiate your starting salary
No more lowball salaries for you

Josh Doody
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I made this course because most people are uncomfortable with the interview process. I've found that they're uncomfortable for two common reasons:
1. They don't feel prepared.
2. They're not sure how to give good answers to questions.
This course focuses on preparing to interview with a specific company so you can comfortably tell a story about how the company will be better if you're a...

Ace Your Next Interview
Be totally prepared and get the best job offer possible

Ace Your Next Interview
Be totally prepared and get the best job offer possible

Josh Doody
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Thanks for sharing this, @mijustin!
I wrote this course because I worked with so many people who were pursuing a salary increase without a way to quantify their goal—the salary they should be pursuing.
They would say, "I'm underpaid and I want a raise." and I would say, "What should you be paid?" and they wouldn't have any idea. Or they would get a job offer and suddenly realize they didn't...

Fearless Salary Negotiation
Are you paid what you are worth?