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José Herazo
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I just launched my first product here today as well. but it has been working for a few months now. I have focused on improving SEO, I started a blog, it has improved but I still have more to do.
My product is a website in which you can find trends and predictions. I created an artificial intelligence model to predict trending topics. It's like weather forecasting but with...
What was your first Product 🎁 ? Was it a success 🚀 ? What did it teach you🪞? What came next 🕰 ?
Arun Pariyar
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Trends Predictions collects twitter trends and generates predictions to help you find the best trending topics. Find top trends, predictions and hashtags, filter by categories: sport, music, politics and more. Keep track of what are people talking about.
Trends Predictions
Trends and predictions to help you find new content ideas

José Herazo
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Hello everyone 👋!
Excited to share something I've been working on the last few months! Trends Predictions: trends and predictions to help you find new content ideas.
Predictions? It's like weather forecasting, but with trends. We collect twitter trends, analyze them and give you a list of the trending topics with more chances to continue on top.
But it's not only about predictions, it...
Trends Predictions
Trends and predictions to help you find new content ideas

José Herazo
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Very nice extension😎. Amazing!
Fastest way to copy text from anywhere

José Herazo
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Congratulations! Amazing tool, simply a great solution!
Meeting preparation in seconds, straight to your calendar

José Herazo
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Nice product!
Angle Audio for Business
Social audio as a service, add audio rooms to your product

José Herazo
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Congratulations on the launch 🚀. Very interesting concept!
Reverse engineer your health data and get back on track.

José Herazo
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that would be really nice!
Should we have a discord channel for Producthunt ?
Anil Matcha
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José Herazo
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In my case twitter, but it goes really slow unfortunately. I'd like to try indiehackers but I haven't been able to find an invite code, do you know where to find one by the way? @matcha_anil
Which growth channel has worked best for you?
Anil Matcha
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José Herazo
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Just sharing my startup.
Trends Predictions - we use artificial intelligence to predict trending topics and help you find new content ideas ( )
@adam_maceachern1 your idea is super interesting by the way, I'd like to see tons of people using this extension soon! Just subscribed
Let's help each other get users!
Adam MacEachern
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José Herazo
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How much time have you invested on your startup idea?
Since the first moment you had a startup idea, how much time have you invested on it? If it's profitable, how much did it take for you to make it profitable? Could you also talk a bit about your startup idea? Lots of questions but I'm curious about your stories as entrepreneurs, specially the time you've invested on your startups