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Jon Arne S.
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I discovered this a while back, and have used it for many of my "pet projects". It's super easy to use on it's own and also to integrate in existing workflows.
What is amazing is to get visualized that digital and tech has quite a big carbon footprint! Helps bring awareness.
Co2.js supports two models for calculating the carbon footprint;
- 1byte
- Sustainable Web Design (SWD)
For those in...
Estimate CO2 emissions form your apps or websites
CO2.js is a JavaScript library that enables developers a way to estimate the emissions related to use of their apps, websites, and software.
Estimate CO2 emissions form your apps or websites
Jon Arne S.
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Retention/Churn Rate is the only safe metric to know if the market is happy with your product. If they're happy, they stick around.
However, this is a lagging indicator of product-market fit.
A leading indicator would be nice of course. What that is, depends on your product/service. Possibly something related to specific milestones reached, frequency of actions performed etc. Leading...
How do you measure product-market fit?
Noyan IDIN
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Jon Arne S.
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Hello. Most of us are well aware that images account for most of the bytes downloaded when we're surfing the web. We made ImageEngine to reduce the size of images and by that, increase the speed of the web. When we ran a test on the top 5k sites on the web, ImageEngine was able to reduce image size significantly. For mobile devices size was reduced by 62%, actually.... Which is huge!
ImageEngine - the fast Image CDN
ImageEngine is an image CDN that will automatically pull images from the origin and optimize them, real time, according to the browser's or device's capabilities. ImageEnigne will improve UX by making images load fast with without compromizing visual quality
ImageEngine - the fast Image CDN