Johnny Bell

Johnny Bell

G’day mates, I’m Johnny 👋🏻
66 points
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Johnny Bell
A new app to track your stocks, create lists to view all your followed stocks performance, view stock news and trending stocks.
Stock prices, tracking and news
Johnny Bell
We help you find events happening near you or all around the world. You can search for Sports Events, Concerts, Theatre, you name it we can hopefully help you find it.
You can save the events and keep track of your upcoming events that you have coming up.
Event Finda
Event Finda
Find events near you, and all around the world.
Johnny Bell
The StackShare API provides SaaS companies & investors with better technographic/tech stack data than any other service. Imagine all the data on StackShare at your fingertips, plus over 1 million more companies. Use it for leads, enrichment, and trends.
StackShare API
StackShare API
Clearbit for tech stacks: data for 1.5M+ companies
Johnny Bell

Quickly explain what's in your stack & instantly get in front of the growing StackShare community of 250K+ developers. Decisions are longer than a tweet & much shorter than a Medium post.

We’re launching this w/some of the most ❤️ tools on StackShare, including Microsoft .NET, DigitalOcean, Postman, Codecov, Auth0, Algolia, Kong, Sentry, & Zulip

Stack Decisions
Stack Decisions
An easy way to share why you chose the tools in your stack