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John Koetsier
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Very cool. I've got a creator coin here and this platform is doing a great job of providing an opportunity for creators to mobilize their communities and earn a living based on what they contribute. My coin is $SMRT:

Crypto currencies for content creators & their communities

John Koetsier
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Impressive product. The free 180 days for SMBs (anyone under $3M in annual ad spend) is huge.
Singular Marketing Analytics
Pull marketing spend into a single dashboard. No code.

John Koetsier
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Very cool. Want to try it NOW

Descript Podcast Studio
It's how you make a podcast.

Mobile ad fraud:
What 24 billion clicks on 700 ad networks reveal

John Koetsier
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Just became a member. Pretty cool ... like what Douglas is doing here.

MarTech Community
A community of passionate marketing technology professionals

John Koetsier
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This is a report that I wrote. Really pumped to see it here. We reviewed over 500M mobile ad impressions and surveyed 1501 Americans to create the data that went into it.
AMA :-)

Mobile advertising: How to win
The most extensive, up-to-date guide on mobile advertising

Mobile advertising: How to win
The most extensive, up-to-date guide on mobile advertising

John Koetsier
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More info on (and from) the report:

CRO: How to win
"The most extensive report on CRO tools ever"

CRO: How to win
"The most extensive report on CRO tools ever"

John Koetsier
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Anyone can contribute, but a) has to pass a quality bar to be published, and b) eventually better-rated stuff will float to the top.

VentureBeat Insight
Insight from those that have it

John Koetsier
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Hey, this is @johnkoetsier.
VB Intel is a platform for analysts and experts to share what they know for those who need it.
Think Gartner for 2014 focusing on SaaS and mobile. Or think app store for biz insight.
Anyone can join, click Add Report, and start building something cool worth sharing or selling. Of course, reports are kind of old-school, but lots of other media are...

VentureBeat Insight
Insight from those that have it