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John Fallot
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As a caveat: could this work with user interfaces? Not to speak it into existence, but if you trained an AI to take common pattern libraries and mix them together, you could ostensibly render the entire UI industry irrelevant. It seems to me like that's where most of this kind of stuff is headed.

Creating images from text, from Open AI

John Fallot
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I'm John Fallot, one of the co-founders of the Prosocial Design Network and co-creator of its Prosocial Design Library.
The idea for the library was primarily a response to the lack of accessible, empirical data to back up the ideas for countering the most pressing drawbacks of the Web: disinformation, hostility, cyberhate, the works. It also came out of a desire to catalog the bright spots of...

Prosocial Design Library
UI elements that could help users get along.

The Prosocial Design Library is a pattern library of evidence-backed design elements, which claim to induce prosocial outcomes. Examples of prosocial outcomes include: less dysfunction in communities, and more understanding among users.

Prosocial Design Library
UI elements that could help users get along.

John Fallot
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I practice almost daily, specifically in line with the Thai Forest Tradition of Buddhism. I prefer no sounds, maybe a guided talk from the abbot Thanissaro Bhikkhu. I dive into how my breathing feels, make my body comfortable, and I pose questions to myself about how to make it more comfortable. And I stick to that, and that's all.
What do you think about meditation?
Andrew Lutsyna
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